Jesus friends were waiting and praying, it seemed like they'd been waiting and praying for a long time; they were waiting because Jesus had told them to wait, and they were praying because Jesus had told them to pray.
They met together everyday, they shared meals, told stories; remembering the wonderful things that Jesus had said and done, and they waited and they prayed.
Over the last week Jerusalem had been filling up with people from all over the world, people wearing exotic clothes and speaking in different languages, they had come to celebrate harvest, to thank God for his wonderful gifts. Still Jesus friends met together, they met and they waited, and they prayed.
One morning as they met together, telling stories singing songs, waiting and praying, wondering together when God would come in the way that Jesus had talked about ,they felt it, it seemed as if the air had changed, there was an excitement in it, something was different. They waited, and then they heard the wind, rushing and swirling and roaring.
They looked around, surprised. "Look" called one of Jesus friends "You've got fire hovering over your head, but you're not being burned!"
"So have you!" cried another
"We all have!" they said together looking at one another in astonishment.
The room was filled with the power and glory of God, they began to laugh, and shout for joy.
"God is here." Cried one friend!
"The Holy Spirit has come, just like Jesus promised!" exclaimed another.
Their voices soon rang out, lifted together in Praise: "Praise God! God has come! Praise God! God has come!"
They burst out of the room and onto the streets, laughing and shouting and praising God! It was then that they realised just how special God's gift was, for they all began to talk in different languages, and that day people from all over the world heard the Good News in their own languages!
"Jesus is alive!" cried Jesus friends "
Then Peter stood up among them, and told them the stories of Jesus, of how he healed the sick, of how he performed many other miracles, and of how he spoke about a God who loves everyone!
"Jesus is alive" he said "He died on the cross, but he came back to life, now he has gone to be with God in heaven, but he is here with us too. He has sent the Holy Spirit among us to help us to live in his ways, and to help us to remember his stories."
The people in Jerusalem were amazed, and that day after listening to Peter's message about Jesus, more than 3,000 people believed!
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