Over at Revgals Revkjarla offers us a random Friday Five:
1. If a spaceship landed in your back yard, and three very cute little aliens knocked on your door and asked you to show them around Earth,where would you take them? (Remember, you have superpowers from last month's Second Friday Five, so if you need to use them for transportation, feel free to do so.)
Well I think I'd invite them in first, do aliens drink tea? We'll find out ... Then guessing that they could fly off to anywhere if they wanted, and knowing they'd landed on my doorstep maybe I'd take them to the beach, and to the hills in Yorkshire, and if there were time I might offer to fly them to somewhere more exotic, maybe to South Africa- the sea and the mountains, and New Zealand- same again. They can buy a book or take themselves to visit the "wonders"!
2. What is making you grumpy these days?
Oh dear, many things if I'm honest, preparing to move house, lots to do etc. But what is making me really grumpy is the lack of summer here, it is cold and wet and horrible, I love the sun, and there has been so little sun :-(
3. O.K., so now that you got the grumps out, what is one thing today that will be sheerly joyful for you?
Well today I set out for a bike ride with Tim (Hubbie) we have just bought new bikes as part of a keep fit campaign, we intend to use them for work too when we arrive at our new appointment in Blackpool next month, but today was fun, we cycled for just over 21 miles, I feel really good for it. Part of the joy was stopping to take photos. We sheltered under this lovely tree during a rain shower.
4. I am pitifully, once again, trying to grow a garden. Last year I only harvested one cucumber. This year, I have zucchini, cucumbers and tiny tomato plants. Everything is abloom, but the jury is out whether there will be any yield. So, do YOU have a garden? What are you growing? If you don't, what is your favorite fresh summertime vegetable/fruit/flower?
Yes we grow veggies, not so many this year because we are moving, but we have new potatoes, peas, spinach, salad leaves, strawberries and cherries, there will be apples later too. Sadly we have to leave the fruit trees! This picture is of our baby spinach plant earlier in the year, now we have a spinach jungle!
5. If the aforementioned aliens suddenly demanded all the contents of your closet, OR ELSE (as in clothing, shoes, etc.) but kindly said you could keep three items, what would they be?
Cheeky especially after I've put myself our for them, but I think I'd keep the dress I wore to my daughters wedding last year, then my favourite jeans and my warm new fleece. Though I guess shoes would be sensible so maybe I'd sadly have to let the dress go, I have photos and they are not having those!
Then I think I need a coat and.... Ah well so long aliens, hello thrift shop!
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