we are a shadow
of our former selves,
tucked away.
round a corner,
we have found a space
to practice our songs
in hiddeness…
Once we occupied a more
glorious location,
we were in the
thick of things,
respected and loved
we held a central place,
and our song was heard.
But now we are hidden,
and though
some still find us,
others think we
have gone…
Here, in our
diminished state,
we find comfort
in songs
from days gone by,
in repeating patterns
from our former lives,
and we try to tell
ourselves that
nothing has changed…
But a new, yet timeless song
is demanding our attention,
we know the words, and
the tune is printed on our souls…
We are called forth
called out,
called beyond our hiddeness,
to enter the song afresh,
to sing out a new refrain,
to weave past cadences
with today’s harmonies,
to create
a symphony
in song.
Why is the first note
so difficult to find?