I have enjoyed the journey through Mark 10 over the last few weeks, grappling with the disciples as they attempt to follow Jesus and so frequently miss the point. So often they have been blinded by their understandings of power and authority. They've struggled to see Jesus as the Lord who serves, and been perplexed by his call to come as little children and by his astonishing attitude to wealth...
...as I read the account of Bartimaeus sat at the roadside I am struck by how like him we are, or should I say we should be. Like the disciples we are often blind to the ways of God amongst us, like the disciples I suspect that we often struggle ( I certainly do) with the way that Jesus sweeps in and turns our world upside down...
...although I don't like to admit it I am as blind as Bartimaeus in so many ways, but I am perhaps not so bold, for I can hide my blindness and like to appear strong. ButI am not strong, and so often I need a fresh touch from Jesus, so I hope that as he passes by today that I will have the courage to join Bartimaeus at the side of the road, so that my cry will mingle with his;
"Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me..."
And I hope that I will hear Jesus reply, "What do you want me to do for you?"
My response is simple; "Lord, I want to see".