Tomorrow morning I will make promises, promises to hold before the folk in the places I serve. Promises to hold God's story before them, to preach the gospel, to administer Baptism and to preside at the Lords Supper. I do so with awed wonder that God has called me.
Tomorrow morning I will promiseto call others to holy living, and even though I struggle with this call myself in my weakness I will promise to do so.
Tomorrow morning I will promise to hold before the Methodist community in this place the committment of God to the wider community, and this being my passion I will do so with joy and celebration...
I make these promises not in my own strength but by and through the grace of God, knowing that I serve and will be served in his name, knowing that the prayers of many friends uphold me, and inviting them to hare the journey and the task with me.
Because I am concious that I do not make this promises alone, but to and with the community of the Snaith and Selby Circuit, tomorrow morning I have chosen to ask others to sing the servant song to one another....
I like this unglossy and unpolished version, it speaks to me of the down to earth and real people that we need to be for one another. By the grace of God we are what we are! I pray that smehow we can live out the true meaning of this song for one another and for