Yesterday along with Christians from around the globe I celebrated Pentecost, but I must admit that as I set off to drive through the beautiful Norfolk countryside to my first service of the day I did not have any particularly high expectations. Don't get me wrong I believe that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and active in the church and throughout the world, I also believe that she continues to pour out gifts upon the church. I believe that the Spirit brings healing and release as she works and moves amongst us....
I guess that what I wasn't prepared for was the joy that she released amongst the morning congregation, or the liberation, healing and peace that poured into and through the evening celebration service.
First the morning, quite simply there was a real sense of joy amongst the gathered folk, there were times of reflection and peace, and times of exuberant joy with people clapping and dancing; while this might not seem particularly amazing the joy was tangible. God the Holy Spirit drew close and blessed us.
From the morning service I drove to the beach to join Tim who was sailing, we ate lunch, chatted with friends and went for a walk before heading for home, and to the evening service that Tim was leading with the Circuit Evangelism Group, and the Healing Team.
The Evangelism Group and Healing Team are new initiatives in our Circuit, the groups have been meeting, praying and learning together for the last 6 months, they have been active throughout the Circuit in a number of ways, but yesterday evening was the first big event they have put on together.
With the church was full of folk from all over the area, worship began, this was followed by a time of testimony with three people from the Evangelism Group speaking about how God has touched and changed their lives. Another shorter time of worship was followed by Tim preaching, (and if I may say so I think my husband is an awesome preacher!) prayer and then an offer of healing prayer whilst some quieter worship songs were played. As soon as the healing team was ready people started to come forward for prayer, slowly at first, but more and more as they gained confidence in what God was doing. There was a real peace in the building, and lives were being touched and transformed by the love of God.
Patdoes not mind her story being told; late last year Pat's husband died from cancer after a long battle with the horrible disease, Pat was naturally devastated and continues to grieve her loss. She has had a few health struggles of her own, but yesterday something different happened. She said that as she sat listening to the worship songs she sensed God speaking to her and telling her to go forward with another member of the congregation who is suffering with terminal cancer. Pat went and gently put her arm around the lady and joined the healing team members in prayer for her friend.
Pat told me afterward that as she was praying a deep peace came upon her and the gift of tongues was re-released into her life. She had never denied having this gift, it was simply that neither life nor the style of worship at her home church had enabled her to pray and praise God in this way and so the gift lay dormant within her. Pat knew that as the holy words flowed from her that God had come close to her in a special way bringing healing and comfort as she ministered to another. Pat's story was echoed by two other people who felt that long forgotten gifts were stirred up within them.
The folk who had received prayer for healing spoke of a sense of peace and blessing, whether there will be anything more, we wait to see, but this I know God is active in His Church, and longs for us to be open enough to receive the gifts he has so graciously poured out upon us.... yesterday it seemed that there was an openness amongst the folk I ministered to and worshiped with ... as God came close we found ourselves standing on Holy Ground...