John picked up one of the scripture cards in an MBS Exhibition and was delighted with the words from John 15 “these are the Masters words" he said with absolute conviction. We asked him how he knew the Masters words, and who the Master was.
“Jesus," he replied, looking at us as if we were mad I’ve been meeting him recently while I’ve been travelling” he said,
A conversation developed and we discovered that in his quest for peace and harmony John had been Astral Travelling/ Projecting and that was where he was meeting Jesus and talking with him. We asked him what the Master had said to him and he said that the Master had told him he needed to follow, and that he would be shown the way.
Every inch of my evangelical being was screaming at me to tell John that he could meet Jesus here and now, that all he had to do was pray "our" prayer. The trouble is John had already met Jesus and was having one to one conversations with him, he didn't need our rather narrow sounding prescriptive solutions.
So swallowing my words I asked John to keep in touch with us, he has and he is growing in his faith and meeting with Jesus in his own unconventional way. We are still in touch, as spiritual seekers and friends.
John Drane reminded us at the ROMBS Conference recently that we do not own the franchise on God, that it is not up to us to decide where and how God works and reaches people, sadly however all too often we behave as if we do. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges to the Church is to free itsel from its own constraints, to chhose to see where God is working and to go and join in!
Scripture cards laid out for people to choose, some read, others go by colour, others "sense" the right card for them.