I am sitting in the candle light, for our power has just been cut for the third time today and writing a blog post as a word document. Candlelit blogging very atmospheric!
Creating an atmosphere has been a part of my ministry as both yesterday and today the Downham Market storyteller's team and I have told the story of the Last Supper. This is the second in a four part Easter series which we began last week with the "Great Parade" story, perhaps better known as the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Last week the children became the palm wavers along the parade route; this week they were guests at Jesus table.
I am always struck by the power of interactive storytelling, where last week the children joined in with gusto, this week they were in sombre mood as they considered Jesus words, pita bread and blueberry juice added substance to the table, and I began by preparing the table for a special meal by laying a cloth and lighting 5 candles in a stand.
Next week we will continue the story in the church as the children gather for an Easter celebration service which will include the crucifixion and resurrection accounts. We use Bob Hartman's Storytellers Bible, and dress in simple costumes. Last time we did this we were declared to be better than East Enders (take that as you will)!
I am grateful for the privilege of being invited to tell the Easter story in this way, and for the excellent relationship we have with the school. After the Easter holidays we will return to tell the stories of the Emmaus road, and of Pentecost.
Each assembly is finished with the sign language prayer, almost all of the children know this by heart now, and I will be satisfied if it is all they remember for its message is simple:
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves you, Jesus loves everyone, thank you God. Amen
…and I hope and pray they will always know that they are loved!
Smiling because I just tried to take a picture of my candlelight desk, but my camera needs recharging….fat chance…maybe you'll read this tomorrow!!!