It has been a long full week, I feel a little dazed, I probably didn't realise until this morning just how much the week has taken out of me... I am mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted- I recognise that if I do not take some time out tomorrow I will collapse in a heap....
The whole household is under stress- Paul, Jo and Jon are preparing for exams, Tim and I are working towards a 28t May deadline for assignments, Chris is getting to grips with finance forms for Uni. as well as attending physio appointments on a regular basis- on top of that he has a London appointment and an appliance clinic appointment next month. Emma although she is not at home still calls for support- she has an audition in Manchester on 6th June, and hopes to go there to complete an M.A.. and a PGCE for peripatetic teaching.
On top of all that Jo and Jon are going to birthday parties as their friends turn 18, Jo is going down to Colchester tomorrow- she went to Leeds to see her boyfriend last week- Jon is going to another party- and has a friend coming to stay the night- and Paul has just announced he has a friend coming round for the evening, and probably staying- welcome to the hotel Coleman- bring a sleeping bag!!!
I am trying but often not succeeding to stay on top of the housework, the dining room table has disappeared under a pile of Chemistry (Jo) and Theatre Studies (Jon) course work....
I guess we will all emerge eventually- but it is a surreal experience- a bit like student living- and yet somehow running a family home and working at the same time..... not something I'd ever envisaged.... but one day at a time, moment by moment we will get there!!!
Tomorrow I am going for a walk.... you'll never guess where!!!!