In response to John at Locusts and Honey, I am posting some links to explain why Tarot.
First a comment from Philip Johnson on the use of Tarot in evangelism. Philip is co-author of the books "Beyond Prediction", and "Jesus and the Gods of the New Age", both of these books speak into this subject and would be a good place for people to start reading if they were interested in knowing more.
Second two recent posts from Matt Stone, a meditation, and thoughts on using the symbolism of tarot in increasing our sacramental options.
An interesting article is "Tarot read with Christian Spectacles" by Ole Madsen.
This is not something I entered into lightly- I have found Rider Watie Tarot ( as Philip explains) a useful tool in making connections with the New Age community, a community whose practices are becoming increasingly mainstream.
Meditating on the imagery helps me to make scriptural connections when talking to others using this resource, my own familiarity with the story behind and through the image helps to enable a more positive and relaxed encounter.
I am happy to respond to comments on this subject but feel that rather than me repeating what has already been written well that it would probably be more helpful to respond to specific questions/ points.... the comment section is open!